2023 HASTI - ICTM Conference

Conference Theme
Math and Science: Opening Doors to the Future
Conference Dates
Sunday - Tuesday Feb 12 - 14, 2023
Marriott East, Indianapolis, Indiana. To book a hotel room at the special rate of $129/night make a reservation by January 16, 2023 using this link. Note that there is a limited block of rooms at this rate.
GO to CONFERENCE REGISTRATION for ICTM Members (Current or Future)
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Plenary Speakers

Dr. Crystal Morton
Session Title: Entering with JOY
Day/Time: Monday February 13, 11 a.m.
Session Description: As educators, we must empower and encourage learners through experiences that bring JOY and foster a love and appreciation of STEM, but what about you? The HASTI and ICTM 2023 conference theme is Opening Doors to the Future. When the doors open, how will YOU enter? During this session, we will explore what it means for educators to experience the liberating power of JOY.
Bio: Dr. Crystal Morton is an Associate Professor of Mathematics Education in the Department of Urban Teacher Education at IUPUI School of Education. She serves as the Associate Dean of Research and Faculty Development and Associate Director of Research for the Great Lakes Equity Center. She also serves on the TechPoint Foundation for Youth board and is the Founder and Executive Director of Girls STEM Institute. Dr. Morton’s scholarly work focuses on secondary mathematics education, emphasizing the role of informal STEM learning in fostering equitable and transformative mathematics teaching and learning experiences. She primarily examines the learning experiences and specifically mathematics learning experiences of Black girls in grades 3-12.

Cinde McInnis - Whale Enthusiast
Day/Time: Tuesday February 14, 11 a.m.
Bio: Cynde McInnis grew up in Fort Wayne, Indiana. Oddly enough, although surrounded by farms, she fell in love with whales at the age of eight. In 1994, she graduated from Dartmouth College with a degree in Psychology, focusing on learning and development. In August 1994, she interned with Ocean Alliance and Cape Ann Whale Watch of Gloucester, MA. This three-month internship turned into a career. In her 29th season as a whale watch naturalist, she is currently leading trips for 7 Seas Whale Watch out of Gloucester, MA. She has led over 2500 whale watch trips and taught hundreds of thousands of people about whales and the threats they face in our oceans today. In July, 2022, she was honored to receive the Visionary Award from the Gulf of Maine council. The award recognizes 2 people in each state or province surrounding the Gulf of Maine for innovation, creativity, and commitment to protecting the marine environment.
Proposal Submissions
The deadline for proposals was September 30, 2022 by 11:59 p.m. EST.
Conference Registration
2023 HASTI/ICTM Conference Registration Fees (ICTM membership included)
Full conference Registration*
regular $149
Special for Lifetime Members, Three-Year Members, and Retired Member (Code Required) $109
Preservice/College Student or First year teacher $ 49
Nonteaching Guest $109
Award Recipient (Code Required) $0
* Includes lunch on Monday and Tuesday
Sunday Only Conference Registration**
Regular $ 35
Special for Lifetime Members, Three-Year Members, and Retired Member (Code Required)
$ 35
Pre-service College Student or First year teacher $ 10
** No meals are included
Monday or Tuesday only Conference Registration***
Regular $ 89
Special for Lifetime Members, Three-Year Members, and Retired Member (Code Required)
$ 79
Preservice/College Student or First year teacher $ 29
Note: If you need a registration code contact the ICTM Registrar Robin Conti at rconti@msdwt.k12.in.us
Go to CONFERENCE REGISTRATION for ICTM Members (Current or Future)
The conference provides exhibitors an opportunity to highlight their newest products and advertise their products and services to over 700 Indiana science, mathematics, STEM teachers, administrators, aspiring science/mathematics educators, and anyone with an interest in improving science and mathematics education in Indiana. We hope you will be able to join us! To register as an exhibitor go to the Exhibitor Registration page.